Find out more about Kristopher Reisz at http://www.kristopherreisz.com
what's your book about?
Unleashed is a werewolf love story set in the crumbling, beautiful city of Birmingham. It's got lies, truth, a mushroom god, and as much merry hell as I could fit into 300 pages.
favorite Halloween candy?
Anything shaped like an eyeball.
favorite spooky novel?
I read Nick Mamatas' Move Under Ground earlier this year. It has Jack Kerouac fighting Cthulhu. If the sheer bad-assery of that idea didn't just knock you out of your chair and hurl you into the wall, my heart weeps for you.
4) fangs or fur?
Dainty little blood-sipping fangs or inch-long, bone-crusher, meat-ripper fangs? I've always preferred werewolves over vampires. How anybody can respect a monster that cleans under his fingernails is beyond me.
5) Monster Mash, Thriller, or The Time Warp?
I'll be difficult and pick Werewolves of London.
cape or no cape?
Cape does not allow wearer to fly.
7) Bela Lugosi or Gary Oldman?
Is this a real question? Gary Oldman is a good actor and probably a very nice guy. Bela Lugosi is a legend. It's like comparing apples to Jesus. The Jesus of creepy.
8) Trick or Treat?
Or? Who says there has to be an 'or'?
9) favorite costume?
Once I dressed up like a barrel of toxic waste. That costume got extra points for being environmentally savvy AND having lots of room for candy storage.
10) favorite scary movie or television show?
The Real World
what really scares you? (like spiders or the dark or whatever)
Heights. All my nightmares are about falling. Or different body parts turning into Jell-O. But my answer's still heights.
12) what's your favorite way to spend Halloween night?
Looking out for house-rollers and egg-throwers. Keeping watch over the night makes me feel a little like Batman.
what's the scariest thing that ever happened to you?
Once I was visiting Glasgow, fell down some stairs, and got a concussion. I left the hospital with four stitches in the back of my head and no idea where I was. I spent the night trying to find my hotel, but I kept blacking out, then realizing I'd walked God-knows-how-many blocks without remembering.
I wound up at a police station, but don't know how. The police dropped me back off at the hospital, who just sent me out again. It was a long, ugly n
I started reading Unleashed at the bookstore. I think i remember some of it, but not too sure. If there's spray paint at the beginning, then i remember. It's good so far :)
I don't consider vampires a monster, but i see where Kristopher Reisz is getting at. I'd rather the werewolves turn into actual wolves than half-human creatures that look like mutated wolves/humans.
I wasn't going to do anything this Halloween, but now i want to create some amazing costume even better than Toxic Waste :P
I never did like hospitals...
Cool interview!
Beth Fehlbaum, author
Courage in Patience, a story of hope for those who have endured abuse
Ch. 1 & Book trailer are online!
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